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Showing posts from February, 2011


Interaction project no 9 Friday I photographed all the finished paintings that were dry enough.


Layers of paint, various colours, put on and taken down, played with and scratched off. The possibilities to work with oil sticks is endless.

Shall I leave a comment?

We all know that we don't like to leave a comment on a blog if we have to give our email address. Blogger does it because it wants to be sure, that you are a person and not a spam robot. My solution was to create a google account = gmail address (which I needed anyway to set up this blog with blogger ☺). I use the gmail address especially to leave comments on blogs. This way my regular email address is protected.  I like to receive comments. ☺ My comment settings are set to preview. This means that your comment does not appear right away. I have to approve it first. Please be patient. Thank you for taking the time.

Sunny Days and Good Music

I had a great studio day yesterday. Working away while chanting songs from the past.


Playful moment in time by Jacqueline Steudler The hands, the sticks move playful over the surface. Touch there, scrape off, move on, a joyful moment.

More Winterwonderland

Yesterday and over night again about 20cm new snow. We were surprised that we had to shovel again this morning. Now I am in the studio and the sun is beaming in. The reflection from the snowy trees makes my room bright and clear. Bright colours are finding their way onto the canvas boards.


Nothing to do with the project and still to do with it. Inspiration in the air and on the ground. Viewing the Eagles fly by, eat and sit. Snow, cold feet and a camera. Loved it. More about the Eagle Watch you will find here :

Smile Inside

Wonderful to be in the studio. Inside my soul a big smile is forming while my hands are dancing over the canvas boards and new combination of colours appear.